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Zimbabwe prophet’s attempt to prove he can ‘walk on air’ falls flat thanks to one rather obvious giveaway



Seeing may be believing, but few would be fooled into thinking this video captures a miracle.

Controversial Zimbabwe prophet Shepherd Bushiri claims this footage is proof that he can ‘walk on air.’

The Christian preacher, who is part of the Enlightened Christian Gathering, said he invited cameras into his home after previously being labeled a fake. But this video will do little to improve his credibility.

Controversial Zimbabwe prophet Shepherd Bushiri claims this footage is proof that he can 'walk on air'

Controversial Zimbabwe prophet Shepherd Bushiri claims this footage is proof that he can ‘walk on air’

In the clip he appears to perform the feat after walking off the last step of the impressive wooden staircase in his Malawi mansion.

But it falls flat after the camera also captured the shadow of a man running away to the right after Bushiri’s feet returned to solid ground.

The camera pans to the left to avoid capturing the person slipping out of the door.

The video has been viewed more than 320,000 times after it was uploaded to YouTube by his followers.

They posted that the ‘hair raising’ performance had left the ‘Christian world thunder-struck.’

It starts with Bushiri with his armed held aloft walking down the staircase, but at the crucial moment the camera pans to his feet,

At now point when he is ‘levitating’ viewers are only able to see his feet.

According to African media Bushriri told his followers: ‘If I can walk in the air, somebody thinks I can never capture a simple picture in the spirit.

‘I know who I am and I understand the power of God and what that power can do. He is the God of impossibilities who can do anything.

‘We have seen magicians performing miracles, why can’t we, as children of God perform equally and even more great miracles?

But the Christian preacher has done little to improve his credibility with the latest clip posted to YouTube. Pictured: levitating, left, and back on solid ground, right

‘It’s so unfortunate that some people are quick to believe in a magician’s miracle than in God’s miracle.

‘Am not proving anything, am just showing you that God is able and He is performing miracles through his chosen ones.

‘Attack a small miracle, I will pray to God that He makes me perform something even greater than what you have attacked. It’s all possible because he leaves in me, am His temple.’

On Bushriri’s YouTube channel, Prophetic Channel TV, he can be seen performing other miracles, including pulling money from an empty handbag.

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