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The Obsession Of David Hundeyi by Femi Fani-Kayode



My dear friend and brother Dr. Reuben Abati, I watched you and a colleague of yours by the name of Mr. Rufai Oseni interview a young man by the name of David Hundeyin, who apparantly lives abroad and who describes himself as an “investigative journalist”, on your morning show last Tuesday.

The topic was on Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and his so-called links with the drug business.

Whilst insisting that Tinubu was a drug lord, your guest did not answer the question that was put to him by Oseni.

He asked,

“On Channels Television last night Femi Fani-Kayode said $1 million USD was returned to Bola Tinubu by the U.S. authorities after the investigation was completed and only $460,000 USD was seized due to tax that was not paid on his investments. Is this true?”

This was a good question which for obvious reasons your young guest David refused to answer.

He could NOT refute the assertion and the FACT that the FBI returned $1 million USD to Tinubu because he knew it was true.

He could not explain why only $460,000 USD was seized and forefeited and he refused to acknowledge that it was seized for tax reasons.

Instead he claimed that the money that was seized was indeed drug money which is an allegation that the Americans themselves clearly and categorically REFUTED when they were asked about the matter by the Nigerian authorities.

One Mr. Bonner wrote a letter in plain English on behalf of the American Embassy in Nigeria in which he said that Tinubu had NOT been INDICTED or CONVICTED of ANY crime.

This means that Tinubu was neither formally charged to court or convicted by any court of law for drug or drug related offences or indeed any other offences at all in America after what I am sure was a thorough criminal investigation into the source of his funds.

He came out of it all triumphant, not wanting and with flying colours.

Thanks be to God!

Instead of rejoicing that his compatriot was declared as clean as a whistle after such a rigorous and thorough criminal investigation people like David are still attempting to convict him for a crime he never committed in the court of public opinion 30 years later.

This is indeed a great shame. It is also a crime in itself.

They actually believe that they know better than the Federal Bureau of Investigation and that Tinubu is a dangerous criminal and drug lord even though the Americans have said clearly and categorically that there is NO evidence to suggest that this is the case.

Investigative journalism is one thing and I commend and salute the courage of those that conduct such investigations in good faith, with an objective mind and in earnest.

However obsession and the obsessive persecution of an innocent man borne out of bitterness, hate and envy and couched in the cloak of investigative journalism is quite another.

It is like the proverbial crooked, biased, corrupt, obsessed and, more often than not, sociopathic and mentally ill criminal prosecutor who is totally and completely obsessed with jailing his innocent victim even though he knows that the man has done no wrong.

There is indeed a special place in hell reserved for such people and Hundeyin appears to fit the bill.

He reminds me of the insane and obsessed policeman by the name of Javert in Victor Hugo’s famous literary and highly celebrated masterpiece which was originally written in 1810, titled ‘Les Miserables’ who dedicated his life to attempting to jail the hero of the book, an innocent, humble, pious and reformed character with a kind and golden heart, by the name of Jean Valjean.

So obsessed was Javert with jailing his innocent victim Valjean that he ended up committing suicide after he discovered that had failed in his evil quest and after he realised that the darkness in him could not overcome the light in his victim.

Let us hope young David does not end up doing the same thing a few years down the line.

Frankly I cannot fathom how people like him sleep at night with their inherent wickedness and vicious lies.

Worse still after they tell such lies they label anyone that attempts to set the record straight and tells the plain truth with evidence proving it as either being ignorant or a liar.

How this young man can get on television and tell such lies about his own compatriots from a foreign land and with such conviction I just don’t know.

Is he the victim of mind-control, is he under a spell or has he been hypnotised?

Or is it that he is simply the seed and spawn af satan, what the Bible describes as a “son of perdition” and utterly evil.

His mendacities are like those of the proverbial serpent that misled Eve in the Garden of Eden: dangerous, deceitful, calculated, well-researched, well-served, well-crafted, well-delivered and well- designed to hurt, shatter, defame, destroy, assasinate, traumatise and do as much damage as possible to whoever he seeks to target.

His obsession with Tinubu and his family borders on madness: at the very best it is simply uncharitable and at the worst it is savage and wicked.

Young David is a sick man. He is lost. He is in desperate need of prayer. He is a pathological and obsessive liar and he is best treated with the contempt that he deserves.

He is a teller of tales, an accuser of the brethren and an agent of Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies.

Like the evil and mystical character in Robert Browning’s famous book titled ‘The Pied Piper of Hamlin’, his sweet tongue and strange music leads to nothing but shattered dreams, dashed hopes, failure, loss, sadness, tragedy and destruction to all those that believe in him and follow him.

The question he needed to answer, which he conveniently refused to do, was simple:

“Why was $1 million USD returned to Tinubu if the money were the proceeds of drugs?”

He had NO answer for that.

YES there WAS an investigation into the funds in Bola Tinubu’s account approximately 30 years ago by the FBI.

YES there WAS a civil forfeiture of $1,460,000 USD PENDING the course of the investigation.

And YES after the investigation was COMPLETED $1 million USD WAS RETURNED to Tinubu.

These are the FACTS!

No one can refute them and only the criminally insane and the obsessively delusional can deny them.

The records are there for all to see but young David will not talk about that or show you those documents because it defeats and contradicts his sinister and nefarious purpose.

Now permit me to ask the following questions:

Does it make sense to suggest that the FBI would return $1 million USD if it was drug money?

Would Tinubu not have been in jail for life by now in America if that $1 million USD had been in any way linked to drugs?

The $460,000 USD was seized only as a consequence of the IRS claiming and asserting that he had not paid tax on his numerous American investments.

Tinubu chose not to challenge or dispute that claim and assertion by the IRS even though he was perfectly within his rights to do so and hence he willingly forefeited that money.

The seizure of the $460,000 USD had NOTHING to do with drugs or links to drug trafficking.

Rather it had EVERYTHING to do with tax and it was the IRS that claimed it.

The FBI investigated Tinubu for links to drugs and laundering drug money and they found NOTHING.

He came out clean.

Most of the money they originally seized was returned.

The money that was not returned had NOTHING to do with drugs.

Tinubu is a clean, wholesome, hard-working and innocent man and those making these allegations are simply trying to derail his presidential ambition.

They are also filled with hate and they resent his great successes in life.

The young man David told Arise Television that yours truly had lied but he was unable to say where, when and how.

Was it a lie that $1 million USD was returned to Tinubu?

Was it a lie that the $460,000 USD that was forfeited was due to non-payment of taxes on his lawful and legitimate investments?

Was it a lie that Tinubu was not indicted?

Was it a lie that he was not charged or convicted?

Was it a lie that the Americans themselves said he had committed no crime and that he was never a drug dealer?

The answer to all these questions is a resounding NO!

I never told a single lie during the course of my Channel’s Television ‘Politics Today’ interview with Mr. Seun Okinbaloye when we discussed Tinubu’s so-called involvement with the drug business and the absurd assertion and notion that he is a drug lord.

It is rather young David that is the liar and not me.

He lied on Arise Television. He lied in his crass, irresponsible and defamatory documentary which is on Youtube and he has lied everywhere else.

His name ought to be Pinnochio and not David.

His father’s name should have been Mr. ‘Oni iro ni mo bi’ and not Mr. Hundeyin.

Worse still he is obsessed with his own lies.

He actually believes that the lies he is telling are true.

Nothing could be more dangerous than this.

If he has the courage of his convictions I urge him to come to Nigeria and repeat these lies and grave allegations here.

He should bring his so-called evidence with him and stop talking rubbish from the safety of foreign lands where he cannot easily be traced or held accountable.

He should be a man and stop running all over the world like a headless chicken after telling his childish, puerile and monumental fibs.

If he has something to say let him come home and say it here, on Nigerian soil.

Not in America. Not in the UK. Not in Canada. Not in France. Not in Ghana. Let him come here and say it!

And if he does I promise him that I will direct my Personal Assistant to challenge him to a nationally televised public debate on this and any other issue touching and concerning our nation and his young life.

Here is a young man that delights in talking asinine, absurd, tendentious, unintelligent and unsubstantiated gibberish from abroad and refuses to come home to state whatever case he has in a courageous and honorable manner.

How can you describe yourself as an investigative journalist of repute and at the same time be a flaming coward?

Here is a young man who said NADECO was a fraud.

Here is a young man that said that the 7 year heroic and bitter struggle against the military and for democracy in our country, in which thousands were killed, maimed, tortured, injured, traumatised, dehumanised, incarcerated, driven into exile and lost their loved ones was nothing but a scam.

Here is a young man that had the nerve and temerity to describe the late Chief MKO Abiola, the winner of the June 12th 1993 presidential election and an authentic Nigerian hero and martyr, as yet another drug lord without providing any tangible evidence whatsoever to substantiate his grave allegation.

Finally here is a young man who is a self-confessed unbeliever, who believes that there is NO God and who boastfully proclaims that his own mother is a cold, cruel and unfeeling narcissist that drove his father to an early grave.

There is no insult or curse that he has not visited on the woman that gave birth to him and brought him into the world.

Outside of that his greatest pleasure and past time, apart from running down the Tinubu’s and the Abiola’s, is to slander, defame and libel high celebrity and hard- working people two of whom are dedicated, honest, sincere, brilliant and accomplished female journalists that have achieved heights that he can only dream of and that are far better and more accomplished than he can ever be.

Is this the type of creature that Nigerians should take seriously?

Do we need to pay any more attention to his irritating and disingenuous smear campaign and specious lies all couched in the false claim of “investigative journalism?”

The only thing that needs to be investigated about young David is the state of his mind, the size of his brain and the content of his character.

He is filled with so much vitriol, bile, bitterness and hate and he is propelled and motivated by so much deceit.

Aside from that we know that he is working for the intelligence unit of a particular political party and presidential campaign council.

All this we know and when the time is right we will expose them all and show the world the type of libellous, slanderous, unconciable, unpatriotic, unrelenting and irresponsible malefactor and leporous plague that young David and those that he works for really are.

Meanwhile we shall continue to focus on winning the election and not be distracted by this irritating nuisance and ranting ant with his implausible, sordid, unacceptable and nonsensical fairy tales.

Permit me to end this contribution with the following.

Many of us, including yours truly, were misled by the disinformation that we were fed with in the past and that were peddled over the years about Tinubu.

We actually bought the lie that he was indeed involved in the drug business 30 years ago simply because of the salacious and false assertion and baseless allegation of seized “drug” funds.

Sadly we only read the headlines and did not read the full story.

We refused to look behind the veil, dig deep and do our own research but instead we relied on the research and misinformation of others.

Simply put, we were fooled and unjustifiably blinded with rage.

We accused Tinubu of being involved in the drug business simply because we were not fully aware of all the facts of the case and neither did we care to dig deep and find out.

Thankfully we have now done that, we know better and we collectivity owe him an apology for assuming the worst and believing the lie.

Though unjustifiable and indefensible, it is nevertheless forgivable to erroneously accuse an innocent man of crimes he never committed due to a lack of real and proper understanding of the facts and issues in the matter under consideration.

What cannot be forgiven and is totally unacceptable is to continue to peddle the grevious lie and injurious falsehood purposely and with malicious intent once the truth has been established and unearthed and once the facts prove beyond reasonable doubt that the individual that was falsely accused is actually innocent.

This is a lesson that young David and those that share his perfidious and warped world view have yet to learn.

He calls himself an investigative journalist yet he forgets the first law of journalism: that facts are sacred and opinion is cheap!

May God deliver him.


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