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P&ID Scam: We Just Dodged A Deadly Bullet




Bayo Onanuga

Our country Nigeria just dodged what would have been a very lethal bullet from the scamming P&ID, working in collaboration with unpatriotic ‘Akotileta’ Nigerians. If the court had ruled that we should pay the dubious $11.5 billion, it would have been a devastating blow to our finances and our country.
The Justice Ministry, the EFCC and other agencies probing the attempted treasonable swindling of our country must ensure that those Nigerians involved in the “mother of all scams” are not spared. Attention must also be beamed on similar scams that these unpatriotic Nigerians have entangled our country.

Those P&ID traitors are lucky that they are not Chinese citizens as they would have earned a date to face the firing squad.

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