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NLC And The Hole Of Confusion 



By: Shehu Bashir Esq

It has come to public knowledge that the 36 state governors, the second largest tier of government with the second highest employees have said that they cannot afford to pay the 60k minimum wage already agreed to by the federal government. Is this a matter for concern for NLC? What should the NLC do? Let’s look at this way.

Recall that the “almighty” NLC turned its cat to a barking K9 few days ago, hastily jumping out of the room of the ongoing negotiations with the federal government to cry for SOS with a national strike, shutting down the national grid ostensibly to “blackmail” the FG into “forced concessions” to their demands. No worries, the FG caved in to that request and changed their stance on the limit of the initial offer. Negotiations continue. While that negotiations were going on, another banger by the ever evasive tier of government – the state government.

Because we all know that FG is not the only employer of Labour even though it is the largest employer of labour being the FG. The states are equally important and any such agreement on wage payments must have their buy in. There is a reason why it is a tripartite agreement. What is good for the geese should also be good for the gander.

Strike is NLC’s most potent tool for labour dispute coercion and it shouldn’t be used indiscriminately. Therefore, now that the states have said they cannot pay, are we to expect another round of strike by NLC/ TUC? But now against who?. Or will NLC start a multiple fronts of negotiations with state to verify and confirm their ability to pay a uniform wage? . Can the wage be ever uniform if their earnings are not uniform? What are the dynamics for consideration and what is the NLC/TUC best strategy here to ensure equitable wage earnings for the hardworking employees.

But wait a minute, if NLC will resort to strike to force the states to come at par with FG, it will definitely not be the national strike oh this time. This is where I am going. If truly Ajearo led NLC and Usifo led TUC are sincere enough with their intentions and are ready to ensure equitable and fair treatment to all government employees, including the states’, they should be warming up to direct the state chapters of NLC and TUC to embark on immediate strike in each of the states of the governors who are declining to pay even 60k. Or the NLC/TUC pang is not tanked with enough venom to take a bite on the states? We keep watching.

Take note, this time around, if there would be any strike to be declared by NLC/TUC, no federal government employee will be involved in the strike. This is the only equitable expectation from NLC/TUC if truly Ajearo and Usifo can face the governors.

As spectators in this stadium, we keep watching but not without observing and understanding the entire politics behind the politicking.


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