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Mob of villagers tie up pregnant woman and savagely beat her



The shocking clip, which has emerged on social media in China, shows the pregnant woman tied to a pole with her hands behind her back.

She is only just conscious, and a man can be seen pulling her hair, while another kicks her in the face as she slumps to the ground.

The incident took place on August 29 in a village near Taizhou city, eastern China, reports Bowen Press.

The woman, known only as Ms Lu, was subjected to the brutal assault because people in the village thought she was a habitual thief, reports suggest.

Victim: The alleged thief is tied to a pole as the mob looks on

Victim: The alleged thief is tied to a pole as the mob looks on

She is said to have been caught stealing in the past, and when she reappeared in the township again it was the last straw for residents.

A large crowd had gathered to watch the medieval-style punishment.

Ms Lu is said to be 28 years old and came from the nearby city of Ningbo.

Reports suggest she has already been charged for theft three times.

A police statement confirmed that she had broken into the home of a man named as Mr Feng on August 18 and tried to steal 900 Yuan (£90) cash.

She was caught on that occasion, but released because she is pregnant.

One villager said: “This is not the first time she came to steal things from the village.

“Last time she was let go but then she came back.

“Otherwise she wouldn’t have been beaten so brutally.”

After the beating, an old woman can be seen checking if the alleged thief is alright.

She was taken to hospital, but wasn’t seriously hurt.

A man named as Mr Yin is said to have handed himself in for the beating.

He was given eight days in jail and a 300 Yuan (£30) fine.

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