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Justin Timberlake hails fatherhood and reveals son Silas’ first word



He has found phenomenal success as a singer, actor and a businessman.

But Justin Timberlake revealed becoming a father is the most amazing thing to ever happen to him during his appearance on The Tonight Show on Wednesday.

The Yogi Bear star gushed about how much he is loving being a parent for the first time to his son Silas, who was only born back in April.

Friends with benefits: Justin Timberlake announced his son's first word was 'dada' on close chum Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show on Wednesday

Friends with benefits: Justin Timberlake announced his son’s first word was ‘dada’ on close chum Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show on Wednesday

The A-lister said: ‘It is the most insanely amazing, wonderful, unbelievable thing to ever happen to you.’

But he was not finished there, as he had brought the bombshell news on what his boy’s debut word was.

As if life could get any sweeter for the SexyBack singer, he said the five-month-old had said, ‘dada’ when he spoke for the very first time.

The dad club: Jimmy and Justin share a 'bro' moment

The dad club: Jimmy and Justin share a ‘bro’ moment

Of course it may have been something of a foregone conclusion, as the shameless star had been priming the boy with Jimmy’s picture book Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada.

The thrilled pair celebrated their success by pumping their hands in victory.

Justin also made sure there was plenty of images for his friend Jimmy and his fans at home to gawk at.

The first showed the delighted pop star holding his boy, while a second featured his beautiful wife Jessica Biel holding her son.

Please don’t Cry Me A River: Justin shared this adorable picture of himself watching golf with his Silas

Explaining his snap, the former ‘N Sync star said: ‘‘We were watching the PGA championship. (He’s a) good putter. We’re working on his swing, but his putt is great.’

But it was not all sentimental chatter on the show, for the dynamic duo also performed the latest installment in the History Of Rap skit.

This time the likes of N.W.A, Jay Z, Drake and even Salt-N-Pepa were included.

Jimmy was in typically fine spoof musical form, including a moment Justin had to pull back Jimmy who appeared to get a little too into character as he swore and looked menacingly at the camera.

‘Jimmy, we’ve been through this before,’ Justin told him. ‘You are not straight out of Compton! You’re straight out of Upstate New York.’

They then segued into Salt-N-Pepa’s Let’s Talk About Sex, MC Hammer’s U Can’t Touch This and The Fresh Prince’s Summertime.

They finished with The Beastie Boys’ Fight For Your Right, which led to Jimmy breaking from tradition to crack a political joke at Hillary Clinton’s expense.

After complimenting the stamina he added: ‘I’m still sweating like Hillary does when you ask to look at her emails.’

There was an even deeper insight into the pair’s bromance as it emerged Justin had created a tequila cocktail called The Fallon, and it was revealed that ‘as a joke’ they had coffee mugs printed of each other.

It started with Justin taking a photograph of himself drinking from a mug Fallon had at his house with his own face on, with Justin saying he was ‘literally attempting to make your face’ as he posed.

What a mug: The jocular pair revealed they are so close they even have cups with each others faces on

The Inception mug: Jimmy took a picture of himself holding a mgug which contains a picture of Justin holding his mug embossed with Jimmy’s mug

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