In a determined bid to solve the perennial clashes between farmers and herdsmen in the various parts of the country, the Buhari administration had embarked on...
ABC’s prime-time political soap Scandal launched mid-season with little fanfare in the spring of 2012, to tepid reviews and disappointing ratings. Following the exploits of Emmy-nominated...
By June 9 this year, it would be three years since Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki mounted the saddle in extraordinary circumstances as the sixth President of...
Consumers of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) also known as petrol in Lagos and Abuja, saw the return of long queues at filling stations at the weekend....
APC not desperate about winning, says presidency The state of President Muhammadu Buhari’s health could determine whether he seeks re-election in 2019 or not. His Special...
First Bank has introduced Personal loan against salary. The bank stressed that salary accounts can do more than just receive monthly pay as they have inherent...
Samsung Electronics says one of the reasons for not establishing a manufacturing plant in Nigeria is because its market share in the country is not big...
Former Vice President of Nigeria and chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar has congratulated renowned scientist and pharmaceutical pacesetter Dr. Isa Odidi on...
Meet Lola Odujinrin a Nigerian British pilot who recently made history as the first African pilot in history to fly solo around the world. On March...
Former governorship candidate under the Alliance for Democracy (AD) in Kwara State, Senator Sulyman Makanjuola Ajadi on Tuesday dragged his lover, Haleemat Temitope Abdulazeez, to court...