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Amber Rose Dresses Like Kim Kardashian & Bares Her Nipple In New Photo Shoot



Free the nipple! When Amber Rose nearly bared it all in a new photo shoot, she didn’t just dress similar to Kim Kardashian — she had no problem exposing her some of her goodies too. See the racy pic here!

Amber Rose, 32, and Kim Kardashian, 35, have apparently become two of Hollywood’s most unexpected BFFs after reconciling things in February, and now Amber is looking just like her new bestie! In a new photo shoot by photographer Solmaz Saberi, Amber practically creates a nude selfie of her own by posing in nothing but a big fur coat. Like Kim, Amber is no stranger to seductive pics, but this just may be one her sexiest of all time…because she flashes her nipple!


Donning a white fur jacket reminiscent of the fancy coats that Kim loves to wear, Amber pulled another classic Kim move by wearing absolutely nothing underneath it. But unlike Kim’s latest nude pic that covered up the private parts with black bars, Amber took the raciness one step further and totally exposed her nipple! It was no mistake, either — Amber even captioned the shot with the hashtag “#freethenipple.” She did that all right!

#freethenipple #MUVA photo by @solmazsaberi #AmberRoseSlutWalk2016

A photo posted by Amber Rose (@amberrose) on

Amber looks absolutely flawless in her latest pics, sporting toned-down natural makeup that made her blue eyes totally pop. Despite her piercing eyes, though, Amber clearly wanted people’s attention to go elsewhere: Her chest! She and Kim K know a thing or two about that. In fact, Amber didn’t just tell Kim to say “f**k it” when it comes to the haters, she even invited Kim to be part of her Slut Walk this year! Amber’s latest photo shoot was apparently the beginning of her press for this year’s walk, as she also included the hashtag “#AmberRoseSlutWalk2016” in her caption. Considering Kim and Amber are on good terms now (despite their awkward history involving Kanye West), we may just be seeing Kim in the next set of nipple-baring pics. Wouldn’t that be something!

