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His Excellency,
Similaye Fubara,
The Executive Governor,
Rivers State.


Your Excellency Sir, let me begin by commending your tenacity and massive infrastructural development drive in Rivers State. Only a few persons who have seen Rivers State during its best days can attest to the fact that you are doing so much to restore our dear State to its lost glory by way of infrastructure, human capacity building, education and environmental protection. It is on account of these that I write this letter to draw Your Excellency’s attention to an important area yet to receive adequate attention in your environmental protection and renewal drive – Wildlife Protection.

As an Ombudsman and by extension an advocate on major issues of public interests covering human trafficking, Anti- corruption, environmental rights and justice, dispute resolution and several other areas through different means like seminars, radio and television talk shows, workshops and other awareness and sensitization programs, I consider it absolutely necessary and timely at this point to draw your attention to the need for wildlife protection and preservation in the State.

The campaign for the protection of wildlife is a global effort and is increasingly gaining momentum and acceptance across regions, countries, states, municipals and other smaller local settlements and it is important that Rivers State is not left behind in this global effort toward the protection of wildlife.

Nigeria in recent times has made significant strides in the conservation of wildlife through meaningful legislative efforts. I am aware that there has been considerable progress with the enactment of the Endangered Species Conservation and Protection Bill which is expected to pass its first reading in the Federal House of Representatives in demonstration of government’s commitment to wildlife conservation in Nigeria. The legislation when fully effective, will be critical in enabling Nigeria to decisively tackle illegal trade in wildlife and willful destruction of wildlifes and the ecosystems.

Rivers State being one of Nigeria’s leading littoral States, is endowed with a large variety of wildlife species and is home to some of the world’s most iconic wildlife such as lions, elephants, whales, gorillas and many more, but illegal activities such as poaching, deforestation, and illegal wildlife trade have put these animals in danger, thereby threatening their existence, hence, the need for the State government to take adequate measures towards the protection of wildlife in the State through multiple channels including sponsoring and promoting legislations that gives protection to wildlife and illegalized willful and indiscriminate activities that threatens the survival of these wildlife’s directly or indirectly.

Your Excellency Sir, in the wake of 2021, the previous government took proactive measures towards ending the menacing activities of illegal refinery operators which according to a statement by your office was degrading the environment and endangering both human and animal lives, however, this efforts were not sustained due to lack of necessary frameworks and legislative backings. Beyond oil theft activities, indiscriminate fishing activities which involves the use of dynamites and other explosive devices as well as illegal bush burning by local farmers, contributes a quantum to the extermination of wildlife and their ecosystems.

To nip these ugly and burgeoning trend in the bud, your government must make adequate efforts towards protecting wildlife in the State. Sir, I have taken the liberty to propose some useful strategies that can help facilitate and sustain your efforts in this regard.

1. Enhancing Institutional Capabilities: This will help relevant institutions detect, combat and deter wildlife crimes

2. Strengthening the Legal Frameworks through legislative processes and partnership.

3.Increase collaboration with local partners and stakeholders to ensure a more effective coordination nationally and internationally.

4. Remove Crime Enablers which fosters corruption and financial crime which enable wildlife crimes thrive

5. Raise Awareness of Wildlife Crime by showing the social and political awareness to the value of nature and the threat posed by wildlife crime

6 Create Alternative Livelihoods by empowering local communities through developing wildlife crime prevention initiatives.

I am aware that government alone cannot shoulder the all-important responsibility of preserving wildlife in the State hence the need for meaningful collaborations and partnership. The crucial role partnership plays in protecting and preserving wildlife cannot be underestimated. Protecting these species and their habitats is essential not only for their survival but for the health and well-being of the ecosystem and the livelihoods of the host communities that depend on them.

By partnering with international and local NGOs, media, and local communities and stakeholders, your government can achieve greater impact and ensure a brighter future for wildlife in Rivers State. Collaboration is the best hope that we have of ensuring that the States natural resources are protected for future generations.

It is my sincere expectations that Your Excellency will pay swift attention to the issues canvassed in this letter and implement same accordingly.

Yours Sincerely,


Marshall Israel,
Ombudsman, Peace builder, Mediator and Cancilliator.


10th June 2024

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